Micro Enterprise Loan Details

NEDO Micro Enterprise Loan Program

NEDO nas been implementing Micro Enterprise (ME) program for the graduated borrowers who are able to manage his/her enterprise successfully. Microenterprise is very essential product for developing the rural economy as well as increase income and more employment by utilizing the enterprise loan property. According to the present micro enterprise loan policy, the loan size ranges from BOT 50,000 to BOT 10,00,000 based on the needs of entrepreneurs. Apart from the graduated borrowers, any potential individual entrepreneurs also can take loans for expanding their enterprise under ME loan product of NEDO. NEDO is provides need based capacity/skill development training to the entrepreneurs for helping them to manage their business successfully. NEDO has been supporting ME Loan to the borrower (both men & women) for developing various business, mini garments, agro based farming, local transport (CNG, Auto, Noshiman/Vervati) and agro-machineries tractor, harvester etc. For the Fl-2019-2020, NEDO has been distribute loan BDT 24165000 to the 175 borrowers and as on cumulative disbursed loan BOT 58932530 to the 353 borrowers.

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