Microcredit (RMC) program focuses in broadly on access to finance for rural development activities. The target group of rural micro-credit product is the rural poor who have own land less than 50 decimals or a total esset that is materiality worth less than the value of one acre of land. The initial ides was to provide finance in favor of off farm activities but with time and gradusi expansion on-tarm activities have also been supported finance under this product. Rural micro credit participants take different types of income generating activities by getting maximum 50,000 taka under this program. NEDO has been supporting RMC loan to the member (both men & women) for developing various Income generating activities (IGA) that include small trade, goat rearing, cow rearing, beef fattening poultry rearing, homestead farming, paddy husking, fishing and fish culture, local transport, squaculture, grocery, tailoring etc. For the Fr-2019-2020, NEDO has been disbursed loan NOT 85249000 to the 1200 borrowers and as on cumulative disbursed loan BOT 867093640 to the 2135 borrowers